A thousand-year heritage

A major religious presence

Paris’s heritage is made up of a significant number of religious buildings from different periods. When you visit Paris, you feel the strong importance of Christian heritage. Basilicas, cathedrals, churches and temples line our streets. Time has allowed centuries-old monuments to become witnesses to past eras. Inside the churches, calm reigns. These buildings act as islands of silence and harmony in the midst of a restless city.

Eclectic styles

Architectural trends also vary. Many churches are Gothic (Église Saint Germain des Près) or Baroque (Église Saint Paul), but there are also more modern styles, such as the Art Deco style of Église Saint-Jean Bosco. The heritage of religious furnishings in Paris is incredible, as evidenced by the stained glass windows of the Sainte or the Altar of Notre Dame de Lorette. Furthermore, the church of Saint Eustache boasts the largest organ in France.

Other belies are also well represented. The Grande Mosquée de Paris is ideally located near the Jardin des Plantes, and boasts a superb inner courtyard. Finally, the Neo-Byzantine Synagogue de la Victoire, inaugurated in 1874, offers guided tours.